and a screaming siren Pneumatic drill and ripped up concrete A baby wailing and a stray dog howling The screech of brakes and lamplights blinking That's entertainment
ترجمة: مختلف الفنانين. هذا هو الترفيه.
it up, heat it up I need to be entertained Push the limit, are you with it, baby, dona??t be afraid Imma hurt you real good baby Leta??s go, ita??s
flair and culinary cabaret! you?re alone and you?re scared but the banqeut?s all prepared no one?s gloomy or compaining while the flatware?s entertaining
That if pressed, woman You're on nobody's side but your own And you're behaving Like a mere woman It's so clear, woman -- It's your sex! Once they
sees Are my faults and indecisions My insecure conditions And the tears upon the pillow that I shed She don't care about my big screen Or my collection of DVD's Things like that
RUSSIAN: That's the problem. He's a brilliant lunatic and you can't tell which way he'll jump -- like his game he's impossible to analyse --