Dies ist mehr, mehr als ein wort Ein wort ist mehr als buchstaben Dies ist mehr, mehr als musik Musik ist mehr als ihre tone Dies ist mehr, mehr als
Feel the routine of your heart Feel the routine of your lungs Feel the routine of your steps Feel the routine of your moves Feel the routine of your dance
It's a tricky world we are born into There?s a spiral down prepared for you All you have to do is to sell your doubts To the one who pays you the most
They raise the light and the darkness will fade Your shadows will stay if you don't move away These shadows are yours as you needed a proof Your wish
In the darkness A flame shines like a sun In a room of light The same flame struggles to be seen A world of twilight Was needed to avoid a flame To be
First there is an ocean Then there comes a storm Then the earth is rising Out of the deep blue Yes and no are fighting And their waves are what you feel
defendant - judge - cell - guardian - key all in one person feel love and fall into the sky you'll be caught - dive into your soul defendant - judge
Day in and day out, you're moving You are standing head in the clouds Acting without emotion, you're waiting You' re saving, holding all back Hating
Whenever I can, I don?t dare Whenever I must, I?m aware Every love lost that gives me pain Whatever I see is the same Where is the tunnel? Where is the
These words are like paper ships On the river of your attention Sent to reach your ocean And sink into its depths Its water may help to unfold them And
Bei der Liebe, dem Licht, dem Wasser, dem Stein, der Welle Bei der Dunkelheit, dem Schatten, dem Grund, der Bewegung, dem Irrtum Bei der Emotion, der
You are thinking, turn around, you are feeling, turn around And you are here, aren?t you? You hear me, don?t flee You feel yourself, you ask yourself,
It's inside me and you Covered with excuses Hidden very good I forgot where it was I never look at it too long It attracts my interest As soon as I focus
oh woman ? it?s such a shame you are giving life ? like earth that?s why we treat you the same oh woman you?re not to blame like earth ? you are giving
Nicht alles was du fuhlst kommt von dir Du empfangst was andere senden Wir waren viel zu wenige Um diese schlacht zu gewinnen Ihr seid nun unsere rettung
ترجمة: مشروع المعزقة. الجحيم.
help me eternity wandering about endless where is the light soulcage no way out this is hell rotating infinity eternal alteration I didn't want to be
help me eternity wandering about endless where is the light soulcage no way out this is hell I didn't want to be here I'm still alive alive get your