ترجمة: ليزا جيرمانو. على طول الطريق من القصر القمر.
you don't want to stay Oh, I loved you so badly I thought you were mine So what about my feelings It's a blue blue monday You shut me out this way
falling On the ground Real hard Feels like swimming Feels like drowning I know you think That this is over... poor You... And life goes on Poor
These foolish foolish Thoughts Why don they go away They fill me with doubt And I dig my own grave So I cry cry cry And feel sorry for myself
I can only guess The thoughts runnin' Through you When you never talk I can only guess You can just assume That everything's allright When you
you I can't save you... ah ah ah Ah Ah ah ah ah Ah ah ah ah ah If I could find resolution Then I could go on and on Alone Could it he my sigh
The best Is you and me Together Together Can't I can't see Just feel Clear blue sky Clear blue sky I'm feeling higher Ah... balance balance
his car I was riding my bike Across the street Just riding my bike Something was wrong This didn't feel right My heart beat fast He said "which way
When you fool yourself The other one When you fool yourself It's the other one The other one gets hurt Time it doesn't help And the other one