porto in orbita siamo io e te, dentro un vortice, in caduta libera Dai vieni con me, stanotte balliamo in orbita niente panico, certo che si puo anche senza gravita in orbita, in orbita
ti porto in orbita siamo io e te, dentro un vortice, in caduta libera Dai vieni con me, stanotte balliamo in orbita niente panico, certo che si puo anche senza gravita in orbita, in orbita
ترجمة: الموسيقى التصويرية. النرد -- فينلي كواي ويليام أوربت.
ترجمة: 54 الموسيقى التصويرية. النرد -- فينلي كواي ويليام أوربت.
From you I will hide somewhere, then I?ll stay Stuck in silence here, fixing all the things you do Observing Every move you make, what you think In an
: From you I will hide somewhere, then I?ll stay Stuck in silence here, fixing all the things you do Observing Every move you make, what you think In