You got a plastic name and a plastic heart You can play the game or you'll never start I'm talkin' to you You got a plastic house and a plastic fence
Her green plastic watering can For her fake chinese rubber plant In the fake plastic earth That she bought from a rubber man In a town full of rubber
(Radiohead Cover) Her green plastic watering can For her fake chinese rubber plant In the fake plastic earth That she bought from a rubber man In
ترجمة: موريسيت ، ألانيس. البلاستيك.
ترجمة: موريسيت ، ألانيس. أشجار وهمية بلاستيك.
: You got a plastic name and a plastic heart You can play the game or you'll never start I'm talkin' to you You got a plastic house and a plastic fence
: (Radiohead Cover) Her green plastic watering can For her fake chinese rubber plant In the fake plastic earth That she bought from a rubber man
A green plastic watering can For a fake chinese rubber plant In fake plastic earth That she bought from a rubber man In a town full of rubber plants To