(cough) ... (sniff) You see me now While ago You could shred this size only You are a blender uh We are always be with you with be me hey I am masculine
Desde que llegaste no me que quema el frio me hierve la sangre oigo mis latidos Desde que llegaste ser feliz es mi vicio contemplar la luna mi mejor
They're barring the doors at the back of the hall It's cold in the winter, some freeze in the fall The banquet's the supper that's set for the swine If
(Cough) ... (sniff) you see me now while ago you could shred this size only you are a blender uh we are always be with you with be me hey i am masculine
ترجمة: جون ، إلتون. مشاركة وصول.
ترجمة: جون فوكس. دخول الملاك.
ترجمة: جون فوكس. أدخل الثاني انخيل.
ترجمة: جون Frusciante. أدخل أه.
: (Cough) ... (sniff) you see me now while ago you could shred this size only you are a blender uh we are always be with you with be me hey i am masculine