Muhammad my friend, it's time to tell the world We both know it was a girl back in Bethlehem And on that fateful day when she was crucified She wore Shiseido
Get out of my way Can't you see I'm from L.A.? Yeah, I met Slash, I've got a rose tattoo I bet I know way more people than you I just love this town
El Lay Sunset Boulevard, Pacific Highway Out to the 'Walk of Stars', now you in Cali Don't go 'less you go hard Go 'less you go hard Hollywood Downtown
Soy un hombre muy un grado Que me gusta lo mejor Hay mujeres no me faulta En el dinero de lamor En entienda me cabajo Ho la cierda lo major Las estralles
Poor Mohammed at the peep show Kick the beggar down the stairs Can't keep guard, he's old and feeble Steal his books, burn his prayers Poor Mohammed
Yo no se como empezo Solo se que sucedió Fue tal vez sin darme cuenta No podia ver la luz Hasta que cerre mis ojos Y desperte pensando en ti
Sabei lo que queremos Pero tenemos Sabei lo que queremos Pero tenemos Salud y amor y libertao Son lo prefiero Ay vengo del mauro del mauro del mauro
Clemencia a un vuelo del amar al querer, barrera invisible que salto como un preso las paredes en suenos se me pierde la vista en tu cuerpo y la encuentro
Again and again I get up and say I only want to get it right I only want to do the right thing But all these demons harass my soul I won't be today,
Muhammad, my friend, it's time to tell the world We both know it was a girl, back in Bethlehem And on that fateful day, when she was crucified She wore
Everybody's restless and they got no place to go Someone's always trying to tell them Something they already know So their anger and resentment flow
So don't grip, you're choking What life was trying to Lift up the rage from a season of play I don't blame my messes on you Don't beat this down dead
Si ya no puede ir peor haz un ultimo esfuerzo espera que sople el viento, a favor ya solo puede ir mejor y esta cerca el momento espera que sople el viento
{If all you keep hearing it so long You will see me as a super star And you'll have time to waste With your minions and things} I see your face in front
El Cattivo reitet einsam durch die Nacht, Er hat vor zwei Tagen ein Kind umgebracht. Jetzt ist El Cattivo auf der Flucht, vor dem Vater des Kindes, der
Duerme un recuerdo clavado e mi corazon Es el recuerdo de mi amor En la distancia siempre anoro volverla a ver Y besar su rostro de mujer Y al sonar
Dip dip dive, to the socialised Issued rhythms that are on the rise Step right up, with an opened circuit Get this current, don't you know it's worth
(intro) El Dyablo (El Dyablo) Por Primera vez (por primera vez) Con el Original De La Sierra (juntos) dos mil tres Alli les va, alli les va, alli les