
الأغاني: Soundtrack Artists. I Believe In You.

Executives: Gotta stop that man,
I gotta stop that man cold . . .
Or he'll stop me.
Big deal, big rocket,
Thinks he has the world
In his pocket.

Gotta stop, gotta stop,
Gotta stop that man.

Finch: Now there you are;
Yes, there's that face,
That face that somehow I trust.
It may embarrass you to hear me say it,
But say it I must, say it I must:
You have the cool, clear
Eyes of a seeker of wisdom and truth;
Yet there's that upturned chin
And that grin of impetuous youth.
Oh, I believe in you.
I believe in you.

I hear the sound of good, solid judgment
Whenever you talk;
Yet there's the bold, brave spring of the tiger
That quickens your walk.
Oh, I believe in you.
I believe in you.

And when my faith in my fellow man
All but falls apart,

I've but to feel your hand grasping mine
And I take heart; I take heart

To see the cool, clear
Eyes of a seeker of wisdom and truth;
Yet, with the slam-bang tang
Reminiscent of gin and vermouth.
Oh, I believe in you.
I believe in you.

Executives: Gotta stop that man,
Gotta stop that man . . .
Or he'll stop me.
Big wheel, big beaver,
Boiling hot
With front office fever.
Gotta stop, gotta stop,
Gotta stop that man.

Finch: Oh, I believe in you.
Executives: Don't let him be such a hero!
Finch: I believe in you.
You! You! Mwah!

It turns out that Biggley is well known to hate giveaway games shows, which Frump banked on, but Finch is able to persuade him to try the idea by featuring Hedy as the Treasure Hunt Girl at the presentation. The treasure is stock in the company and only Finch and Biggley are supposed to know where it is hidden. However, when Hedy is asked on TV to swear on a Bible she doesn't know where the prizes are hidden, she blurts out the ten locations. TV viewers watching the broadcast storm the buildings, causing a lot of destruction as they try to find the hidden loot. And all the blame goes to Finch, to the delight of Frump and the other executives.